This session is for new circulation supervisors or parameters administrators in need of a refresher. We will cover loan rules, circulation tables, and circulation system options.
When a new city-wide website was rolled out, the classic catalog DNS of was requested to be the new library website URL. Learn how Sierra was updated to a new domain name, including updating 3rd-party software configurations, WebOptions, and numerous Sierra html files. Gain an understanding of the work that was completed inhouse and how Innovative contributed to the project. While we prepared and updated the links deemed necessary, there were surprises when the new website went live. Join me and learn how to successfully update your domain name.
Dive into SQL with Our Beginner’s Guide! Discover the essentials of SQL, explore the Sierra database structure, access key documentation, and learn a basic query.
Do you find yourself running the same reports for staff? Are you tired of running stats every month? Do you cringe every time you find an item with the wrong location code? Has the number of items marked missing gotten out of hand at your library? Many of these tasks can be automated on a regular schedule using Python, SQL and Task Scheduler. Emails with spreadsheets containing record data are sent to designated staff without you ever having to run another list again. Get ideas for scripts and timelines that can clean up errors, streamline your stats and accelerate your weeding.
This session is all about fiscal years and funds. From setting up your hierarchy to getting your reports. How to manage your funds and feel confident doing your fiscal year roll over.